he Sunshine Coast (affectionately called Sunny Coast) has fast become one of thewakeboarding Mecca’s for a lot of wake boarders and with warm weather year round why wouldn’t it be. There are a lot of waterways getting around that you can ride on but non with the elements that exist at the Bli Bli cable park.
Bli BliSome of the local hood rats you will find loitering around the bleachers are pro wake boarders like Scotty Green, Josh O’Connell, Danny Jordan, Rob Smallercomb and ‘Ju$t A Dollar’ rogue Antonio Colling. We spotted Antonio ripping round the cable and asked him what it was that kept this Kiwi rider coming back. His response was simple, “year round warm weather, riding whenever I feel like it and a fully stocked bar on the side of the lake to booze up with me mates on those long summer slider days.” |
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What is cable?
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For those who don’t know what a cable park is, it’s quite simple; a cable runs above a man made lake with ropes and handles attached to it at intervals. You thus in turn hang on to the handle and cut laps around the lake waving to your mates with a cheesy grin on your face.
Cable boarding is totally different to boat riding aside from the obvious differences the major difference is in how you use the line tension to bust out some flamboyant tricks. A major advantage the cable has is the accessibility to construct and hit rails and kickers all around the lake. |
Bli Bli has for years been the leader in accommodating and innovating rails for wake boarders on the Sunshine Coast.
With the launch of a cable pro tour and a boat pro tour stop held at Bli Bli the park has stepped it up with construction.
Josh O’Connell
Boasting all sorts of A frames, boxes, kickers and dragon sliders there is something for anyone at any level to have a go on. During the day they have cable as normal riding but in the afternoons there are times set aside specifically for sliding and jibbing.

Make sure you call first and check out the times and prices as they vary with the season.

Night Riding at Bli Bli
Sunshine Coast – The New Mecca of Wakeboarding in Australia – Wakeboard Traveller
he Sunshine Coast (affectionately called Sunny Coast) has fast become one of thewakeboarding Mecca’s for a lot of wake boarders and with warm weather year round why wouldn’t it be. There are a lot of waterways getting around that you can ride on but non with the elements that exist at the Bli Bli cable park.
Where is it?
Located about 10 minutes from Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, QLD, AustraliaQueensland. Ski n Skurf cable park is on David Low Way, right near the Maroochy River.
The park has excellent facilities and if you are going to go then you should really make a day of it. With full food, bar, shower and skate park just down the road going to the cable park is a fantastic way to spend a weekend with your buddies.
Where to stay
There are loads of backpackers and hotels dotting the beaches of MooloolabaMaroochydore, and barely 5 minutes down the road.
How to get there
From Melbourne you can get cheap airfares with Virgin for $81 direct to the Sunshine Coast airport.
Trains and buses will cost a little bit more and will take far to long so plane is the best option.
If you’re road tripping then stay on either the Bruce Highway or Sunshine Motorway and they will both lead you to well sign posted roads that say ‘David Low Way’ which is where you will find Ski and Skurf!
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